Soulful Touches | Massage Therapy

Massage for: Children

In Education by Jueria Cranfield

Massage is for Everyone! The hard worker, the elderly, children, sports teams, and, of course, for you!

Children (including teens & babies):

Massage therapy is good for children with ADHD; Downs Syndrome, etc.  Massage therapy helps to promote healthy sleep habits in children.

Massage is, also, great for athletic teenagers, as well as for the honor roll student who spends many hours at the computer and reading books.  Both the time at the computer and reading causes the child to raise his/her head and shoulders forward, causing posture and muscular tension.

In babies, massage therapy is good for calmness, circulation issues, and tender loving care.  In hospitals, while babies are waiting to be adopted, massage is used regularly nurturing care and regular touch.

Read to learn more about Massage for the Hard Worker.
Read to learn more about Massage for Sports Teams.
Read to learn more about Massage for The Elderly.